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our current
and past projects

Projects vary in size and complexity, usually consisting of between 5 and 50 homes.

Below are some examples of the types of cohousing developments we can produce, from initial feasibility/viability studies and masterplanning through to the full design and delivery of the project.

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Community Housing Projects - current

Tamar Village Saltash, Cornwall (currently at Stage B - public consultation)

The North and Middle Pill Landowner Consortium are consulting on a proposal to bring forward a new community on the edge of Saltash. The proposed development involves a number of blocks and phases and would provide a range of opportunities for the people in our community to ‘customise’ or ‘self build’ their own homes.

"As an Estate Manager I have worked with numerous architects over the decades. I admire their talent to translate the words of a brief into a visual representation for a building project or development scheme. However, you rarely come across individuals who combine this talent for original thinking with what I call relentless enthusiasm. These are individuals with a real passion for their work, are dedicated to their topic and seek to push the boundaries to improve society. Ric Frankland [of Fabric] is a relentless enthusiast.

His work on the Tamar Village Master Plan in conjunction with the Right to Build Task Force for a  group of Cornish landowners must have been testing at times, however his patience, speed of response, quality of thought and application and willingness to discuss different approaches and ideas was exemplary and enabled us to meet our deadlines for a public exhibition and submission to a Local Plan Site Allocation consultation in comfort. He took the pressure out of a demanding situation. Thank you Ric."

William Holman 
The North & Middle Pill Landowner Consortium, Saltash, Cornwall

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more projects coming soon...

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