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For the funded training workshops we offer, additional personal information is collected. Here are the details.



European Social Fund workshops - Privacy Notice - how we use your personal information


To find out more about how DWP use information, read the DWP Personal information charter: or contact any DWP office.


This charter includes the process for participants to make Right to Access Requests through their ESF 14/20 provider.  

To find out more about how DWP store and retain information read the following, ESF Guidance on document retention.

DWP may use the information you give us to:


  • Report and research how well European Social Fund (ESF) programmes work* 

  • Link with other information we hold about you, if you are in receipt of a DWP working age benefit.


* We may contact you again in the future to ask if you might participate in further research. If you are re-contacted, you will still be able to decline to participate if you wish. For additional information on research and evaluation please see the following link, and select ‘Guidance on ESF and YEI Participant Contact Details’.  


Our commitment to you


  • You will be trained and assessed by qualified staff in a safe environment.

  • You will be provided with the relevant information, advice and guidance about the services and options available to you to ensure you make the correct and informed decision regarding your learning.

  • Where your circumstances require more in-depth training/guidance than we can provide, you will be referred to a more suitable training provider or learning institute.

  • You will be treated with understanding and respect.

  • We will seek your opinions on the quality of our training and assessment and the environment in which you learn.



Your commitment to us


  • You will act with care and consideration for yourself and others at all times.

  • You will provide us with all relevant information to enable us to create a tailored assessment and learning plan to support you in achieving your goals.

  • You have been advised, understand and agree to follow Equal Opportunity, Data Protection and Health & Safety rules and procedures.

  • You will attend all training sessions, arriving on time and fully engage in the activities.

  • You will complete all tasks and activities set within agreed timescales.

  • You will communicate in a timely manner any change to personal circumstance that may affect your learning.



Participant Declaration


The responses on this form accurately reflect those given to the provider.

The information I have provided is current and correct to the best of my knowledge and will be used by the provider named on this form to register me.


By signing the registration form, you:


  • Understand the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will store your basic personal information, included on this form, to make referral to the Provider

  • Understand that some information may be given to other government bodies as permitted by law.

  • Understand DWP may also share your personal information with the European Commission and Auditors (individual records may be requested to ensure that ESF programmes are being delivered appropriately).

  • Have been informed and understand that the activity delivered by the provider named on this form is funded by ESF, and have received leaflet ESF2020.

  • Understand that someone may contact you in the future to ask if you might participate in further ESF research.

  • Understand that where you receive benefit you must promptly tell the office that pays your benefit of anything that may affect your entitlement to that benefit, or the amount of that benefit you receive.

  • Understand that this ESF Provision is voluntary.

  • Agree to participate in this ESF Provision.

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